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The Emotion Code (With Allyson)
The Emotion Code is a means of identifying trapped and hidden emotions in the body by using muscle testing to get answers from the subconscious and releasing those emotions through the energetic meridians (energetic highways) in the body.
Emotion suppression and entrapment is the cause of many ailments and disease, both mentally and physically, and is often something we’re not even aware we’re doing. This modality allows the release of the energy without the need to experience the emotion again. It is successful for multiple issues such as emotional and physical pain, health and relationship challenges, and releasing blocks to creating something you desire.
Service Options:
Initial Emotion Code Consultation with Session: $150 for 45 min
Allyson will answer any questions about The Emotion Code and what happens during a session. You will receive your first full session, followed by an email with your session notes. These notes include the emotions released and suggested ways to support yourself through your emotional release processing time.
Emotion Code Session:
$125 for 30 min
Pick a specific issue or allow your subconscious to choose for you. Individual sessions only available after Initial Consultation with Session.
Emotion Code with Reiki Session:
$163 for 1 hour 15 min
A perfect modality pairing. By first releasing trapped emotions with The Emotion Code and then immediately rebalancing energy with Reiki Healing, clients are better able to integrate the healing energy, experiencing a significant increase in their overall well-being as a result.
Animal Emotion Code Session: $125 for 30 min
Our pets and animals that we interact with often absorb emotions from their owners and handlers. Their strong bond with humans can cause emotions to trap in them in the same way humans can, and it can be beneficial for the animal to release these emotions that aren’t theirs to carry.

* 3 Emotion Code Sessions = $333
Available to book after Initial Consultation with Session
* 5 Heart Wall Release Sessions = $722
The Heart Wall is a barrier that your heart, the most vulnerable organ in your body (physically and emotionally), puts up around itself to protect the seat of your soul during times of heartache and trauma. While the heart initially puts up this wall to protect you, if it remains too long, you may feel closed off from the world or disconnected from yourself. You may even have trouble connecting with others, building or maintaining relationships, or finding love and joy in your life. By releasing this wall, you will free your heart to be able to receive the love and abundance flowing toward you while also enabling your love to radiate out toward yourself and others.
If the Heart Wall is not released after 5 30-min sessions, up to 2 complimentary 30-min sessions will be provided.
If the Heart Wall is released before all 5 of the 30-min sessions, the remaining sessions can be used toward an issue of your choice.